A CLINICAL, Educational, and SPORT PsyChology Practice

Finding ways to better yourself is an active way to make life better. Below are a number of references for you to start with that we have found helpful whether as part of your treatment or on your own. Please note Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC is not responsible for any of the content of these resources or external websites and they are listed for your convenience. If you cannot find something that can help let us know and we will do our best to help you. Check back frequently for updates.
Clinical Psychology Books
ADHD and School
The survival guide for kids with ADHD or ADD - by John Taylor
Homework success for children with ADHD - Thomas Power, James Karustis, Dina Habboushe
ADD/ADHD Behavior Change-Resource Kit - Grad L. Flick
Taking charge of ADHD - Barkley
Parent Guide to hassle-free homework - Scholastic Books, Research Institute for Learning & Development (great, practical guide for parents of kids with learning issues, ADD, Asperger’s)
Child Development and Parenting
Skills training for children with behavioral problems - Michael Bloomquist
SOS ! Help for Parents - Lynn Clark
Raising Your spirited child- Kurcinka
1-2-3 Magic: effective discipline for children 2-12- Phelan
Getting to calm: cool-headed strategies for parenting tweens + teens - Kastner & Wyatt
The Connected Child - Purvis & Cross (good for children up to age 12)
Parenting the Hurt Child” (Updated Edition) – Keck & Kupecky
How To Talk To Kids So Kids Will Listen, and Listen So Kids Will Talk - Faber and Manglish
Explosive Child - Ross Greene
What About the Kids?: Raising Kids Before, During, and After Divorce - Wallerstein
Anxiety, OCD, Depression, and Emotion Management
Outstanding series for elementary school kids, by Dawn Huebner:
What to do when you worry too much (overcoming anxiety)
What to do when you grumble too much (overcoming negativity)
What to do when your temper flares (overcoming anger problems)
What to do when your brain gets stuck (OCD)
What to do when you dread your bed (overcoming sleep problems)
What to do when bad habits take hold (overcoming nail biting & more)
Helping your child overcome separation anxiety or school refusal: a step-by-step guide for parents” - Eisen & Engler (elementary & middle school)
Freeing your child from OCD”- Chansky
Talking back to OCD” – March (for elementary & middle school kids & parents)
Growing up brave: expert strategies for helping your child overcome fear, stress & anxiety - Pincus (for parents)
Helping your anxious child: a step-by-step guide for parents - Rapee, Spence & Lyneham
Worried no more: help and hope for anxious children- Wagner
The kissing hand” - Penn - for separation anxiety
The invisible string - Karst - for separation anxiety
Coping cat workbook- Kendall (kid version of relax. exercises)
Thoughts & feelings: taking control of your moods & life, a workbook of CBT”- McKay, Davis, Fanning
Child workbooks: all of these have handouts/worksheets for kids (some good, some boring/unnecessary)
“I'm not bad, I'm just mad” - Shapiro (for anger issues)
“I bet I won't fret” - Sisemore (for anxiety)
“Relaxation & Stress reduction workbook for Kids” - Shapiro
“My feeling better workbook”- Hamil
Beyond the blues - Schab (for younger adolescents)
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Social Skills
Good for me - McNeeley (fun way to teach social skills)
Take control of Asperger’s Syndrome”- Price & Fisher (for teens)
Skills training for the adolescent - Arnold Goldstein and Ellen McGinnis
Quiet power - Susan Cain
The Asperkid's secret book of social rules - Jennifer Cook O'Toole
Different Like Me - My book of autism heroes - Jennifer Elder
Asperger rules - how to make sense of school and friends - Blythe Grossberg
The Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (and their parents) - Robinson
Clinical Psychology Websites / Apps - Relaxation - Grief Counseling for Children and Families and - Autism Organizations - ADHD Organization - Parenting Support
Stop, Think, and Breathe - Relaxation app
The Smiling Mind - Relaxation app
Wunderlist - Organization App
Maureen Flynn, Ph.D. - Math Tutor -
Ronald Nickerson - Educational Advocate - / 508-733-7333 /
Educational and Sport Psychology Books
The Playmaker's Advantage - Dr. Leonard Zaichkowsky and Daniel Peterson
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook: A Complete College Recruiting Roadmap for High School Athletes and Parents - Jon Fugler
Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect - Dr. Bob Rotella
Mental Rules of Golf - Greg M. Steinberg, Ph.D.
The ART of SPET: Sport Performance Enhancement Training - Stefan J. Shakiba
Parent Pep Talks: The 10 Mental Skills Your Child Must Have to Succeed in School, Sports, and Life - Justin Su'a
Mentally Tough Teens: A Winning Mindset -Justin Su'a
Peak Performance for Smart Kids: Strategies and Tips for Ensuring School Success - Maureen Neihart, Psy.D.
The Inner Game of Tennis - W. Timothy Gallwey
Mind of the Athlete: Clearer Mind, Better Performance - Jarrod Spencer, Psy.D.
Anger Management in Sport: Understanding / Controlling Violence In Athletes – Mitch Abrams
Sport Psychology for Coaches - Damon Burton and Thomas Raedeke
Coaching for the Inner Edge – Robin Vealey
Coaching the Mental Game – Leadership Philosophies and Strategies for Peak Performance in Sport and Everyday Life – H.A. Dorfman
Sport Psychology for Youth Coaches: Developing Champions in Sports and Life - Ronald E. Smith and Frank L.
Champions Mind – How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive – Jim Afremow
Whose Game is it Anyways?: A Guide to Helping Your Child Get the Most Out of Sports, Organized by Age and Stage – Richard Ginsburg, Ph. D.
The Pursuit of Sporting Excellence: Study of Sport's Highest Achievers – David Hemery
Changing the Game: The Parents Guide to Raising Happy High Performing Athletes and Giving Youth Sports Back to the Kids – John Sullivan
Coach, Athlete, and the Sport Psychologist - Peter Klavora and Juri V. Daniel
Doing Sport Psychology - Mark. B Andersen, Editor
The Sport Psych Handbook - Shane Murphy, Editor
The Psychological Foundations of Sport - J.M. Silva III and D.E. Stevens, Editors
Videos -What is Sport Psychology - Sport Psychology; Inside the Mind of Champions - Martin Haggar at TedxPerth - The Skill of Self-Confidence - Sport Psychology with Dr. Gordon Bloom and Eric ''adreN" Hoag - 5 Mental Skills for Sports and Performance - Secrets of Elite Athletes - Dr. John Sullivan - Sport Psychologist - The Brain Matters for Performance
Websites /Apps
The Smiling Mind - App for anxiety and mindfulness training for athletes and students - Executive Coaching for Kids and Teenagers - A sports training complex - A sport psychology practice in PA with many helpful references - Positive Coaching Alliance - Resources for coaches - References for parents and coaches