A CLINICAL, Educational, and SPORT PsyChology Practice

We are launching our VLOG through the creation of our new YouTube Channel. It can be found by searching out the name Matthew Flynn. The hope is to grow this addition over time and make ourselves even more accessible to our clients and connections. Continued growth of technology is the future and we hope this is our first step. We will continue to provide resources and support in the worlds of Clinical, Educational, and Sport Psychology through this new medium. Feel free to email us at with questions or ideas you would like us to discuss and maybe your idea may be the next one chosen.
Our First VLOG post is a 5 part series on What Is A Sport Psychologist and What Do We Do? This talk is for the interns at Athletic Evolution, which is a training facility for athletes of all ages and sports in Woburn, Ma. This is one of our favorite talks we do each year, typically in person but this year was done via video due to the pandemic. AE has been a great affiliation for several years and we plan to be back in person next year. We hope you enjoy it.
AE Talk Part 1 - Intro -
AE Talk Part 2 - Performance Enhancement Interventions -
AE Talk Part 3 - Injury Recovery -
AE Talk Part 4 - Question and Answer Period -
AE Talk Part 5 - Question and Answer Period Continued -