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Welcome to summer. The days are longer and warmer. Many people are planning summer vacations or activities with friends and family. For these people, anxiety and stress is improved as everyone takes the next few months to recharge and have some fun. However, for others, there is still a lot to do and a limited time to get it all done, and they struggle to slow their mind down and enjoy the break. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you learn the skills to take advantage of this time of year and enjoy being in the moment.

What We Have Been Up To

Thankfully things with clients have slowed down a little with the transition into summer. Even we know the importance of daily self care and keeping balance in life. That being said, the work itself does remain busy as we teach clients to do the same. Without providing too much details, we have been learning and looking into new theories and concepts and applying them to our work. It is always smart to keep a learning and growth mindset.


We continue to reach out and have discussions with various programs and organizations. Most notably we have been doing close work with Athletic Evolution, one of our best and most consistent organizations we work with. In June we gave two talks for them. The first was educating their interns on the field of sport psychology, and the second more specifically focused on running a support group for athletes on the mental challenges of overcoming ACL knee injuries. Both were fun and informative not just for the athletes in attendance, but us as well. We look forward to future talks with them on similar topics and will keep you posted.

We continue to work closely as an advisor for TrainerMD. Feel free to follow me on X/Twitter at @mflynnpeakmpc for updates on the work both we and they are doing to help others manage their physical and mental health. It is exciting work and new supports for individual clients and organizations are being developed everyday.



​Spring is here, and the bouncing between chilly and nice days is evidence of this fact. We can feel we are on the cusp of the really nice weather which is exciting. This is a time of year that can start to feel energized and optimistic, but a little restless waiting for it to come. It is a time of transition and change, which can add to unsettling feelings or anxiety. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you manage and embrace this change.

What We Have Been Up To

On a day to day basis we continue to work with many clients with a diverse set of mental health needs. It is interesting how different transitions and time of year can impact various mental health themes. While not going into specifics, it has given us a chance to keep expanding those we work and push our own use of numerous intervention approaches. The observed positive results so far have been motivating and rewarding.


In our limited time we continue to reach out to many programs and organization to share our work and support others. We hope to continue to keep doing this. The most exciting recent connection was with the Boston Glory, professional ultimate lacrosse team. They appear to be doing great work, while developing and supporting their community. We are ecstatic to continue to build a relationship with them, their athletes, and hopefully catch a few games as the season starts soon.

We continue to work closely as an advisor for TrainerMD. Feel free to follow me on X/Twitter at @mflynnpeakmpc and follow our links on Monday evenings at 7 to listen to the Twitter space where we discuss the company. We focus on helping athletes and eventually the general public learn to control their personal physical-nutritional-mental health and work with the many providers who oversee their health . Recordings of the podcast are routinely reposted as well. Feel free to reach out directly to us if you would like to learn more and we can help facilitate a meeting as they are actively recruiting individual clients and organizations.

We continue to be in the office several days per week for in person treatment, and continue to offer telehealth services to all clients. We work hard to tailor the schedule to what we believe best meets the needs of all clients. Referrals continue to be taken on a case by case basis, but feel free to reach out directly or complete the New Client Match Questionnaire on the practice website,, to see what Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC can do for you.


Welcome to the new year and we hope everything is going well for you and life is off to a good start for you as the calendar changes over. Still pretty cold out there, but ironically there have been a few days here and there which makes it seem as if spring really is not that far off. We can only hope this is true. In the meantime, Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you kick this new year off on a positive note.

What We Have Been Up To

Ironically it has been a calmer and more relaxed start to the year, which has actually been a positive. It has allowed us to ease into the routine coming out of the holidays and be mentally refreshed to kick into gear when it inevitably does.


Despite the calm start we have have already taken on several new clients, and also continue to expand the offerings with the Educational Psychology specialty to begin supporting executing functioning and coaching for several clients. It is fun and different work and feel free to reach out if this is a need of yours or your child.

So far not a lot of activity in terms of connections with the start of the new year. Did plan on taking it slow there and letting everyone settle into the new routine. However, this is always something we are actively doing, and plan to do more of it in the coming weeks coming out of school vacation week. This includes seeking new ones, while also connecting with several of our main Primary Care Offices, schools, and sport organizations.


 As always we continue to work closely as an advisor for TrainerMD. Feel free to follow me on X/Twitter at @mflynnpeakmpc and follow our links on Monday evenings at 7 (sometimes Wednesdays instead) to listen to the Twitter space where we discuss the company and role it plays in helping athletes and eventually the general public learn to control their personal health-physical-nutritional-mental health and work with the many professionals in their lives to improve their health. Recordings of the podcast are routinely reposted as well. Feel free to reach out directly to us if you would like to learn more and we can help facilitate a meeting as they are actively recruiting individual clients and organizations. In the coming months we will continue to keep you updated on the progress with them as we are also learning more about the technology space and hoping in the future to incorporate this new technology into our daily work as well.



There is a chill in the air, the days are shorter, and the holidays are coming. However, just because winter is here does not mean the work is done. It is a time for reflection, of growth, being with friends and family, and planning for the next steps in life. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you take these steps.

Although we are preparing for the holidays things remain very busy. We have been helping clients, review the lessons learned over the year, their growth, and prepare the changes that lie ahead. We have seen many clients make a lot of progress over this past year.

While helping the clients reflect on their year, we took the opportunity to do the same. First off, we have managed to meet and start working with many great clients over the year. It has given us the opportunity to challenge ourselves, look at things differently, and try many new approaches. Specifically, we have begun expanding our Educational Psychology offerings and have begun working with a growing number of adult clients helping them improve their executive functioning skills and apply this to the working world. As a result we have decided to increase this area of our work and expand to working more in the Executive Function Coaching world as we enter 2024. Check out the website for more information.

Along the way, we have solidified relationships with several organizations and have really expanded our connections with many new ones. This has been a fun and fulfilling process and is really a testament that we al need connection to be successful. If you are a potential client or organization, reach out directly today so we can reach that next level of success together.

This has been a great year with many of our connections, but perhaps the biggest success has been with TrainerMD. The most recent fun and new experiences have been joining them for weekly X/Twitter Space at 7 pm on either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings to discuss their new Preformance AI Self Care and Performance Enhancement Programming. We never thought we would enjoy this medium of communication, but it has been enlightening, educational, and frankly a lot of fun to talk about many topics that can really improve the lives of many people in a live interactive manner. Topics have included the connections between nutrition, mental health, and elite athlete performance. Although the work is starting with athletes, the ultimate goal is to make these services available to all those in need. They are in the midst of an open enrollment period for new clients. Feel free to head to their website and register for a free webinar to learn more about the program to see if it benefits you or join us for the spaces at @mflynnpeakmpc or @PreFormanceAI on X /Twitter.

We continue to be in the office several days per week for in person treatment, and continue to offer telehealth services to all clients. We work hard to tailor the schedule to what we believe best meets the needs of all clients. Referrals continue to be taken on a case by case basis, but feel free to reach out directly or complete the New Client Match Questionnaire on the practice website,, to see what Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC can do for you.


The fall is certainly here as the leaves are changing, the weather is chillier, and the days are becoming shorter. As predicted the fall is always our busiest time of year. Sports have switched over, school is at full speed, and it just seems there is more to do in less time, not just for us, but everyone. It is at this time that it is important to use many different skills to manage stress and our relationships with others. Are you ready to learn more of them? Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you.

As we said things have been busier as with the transition into fall. We have had the opportunity to meet many new clients recently and expand our approaches and teach new skills to manage this transition time of year. At the same time, we are still applying our own lessons from the summer and finding time to mentally rest and just slowing down to be in the moment with friends and family. It is such an overlooked strategy to manage stress.

As always we continue to work closely with TrainerMD. We have been involved in continuing to help them develop their programming that centers on optimized lifestyle living, starting with the their new Athlete Safety and Performance Programming. You can find out more about them at as they are currently in their open enrollment period for new individual clients and programs.

At the same time, we have been actively reaching out to past connections and potential new ones. Building relationships is essential part of being successful in life. It involves an active process as you never know who may be on the other side of the door to help you out. If you are a potential client or organization, reach out directly today and lets build the relationship,



Although we continue to be busy, overall it has been a nice and relaxing summer. Many lessons have been learned as a lot of time has been spent reflecting on the last few months, and preparing to use the lessons learned into the fall when stress kicks in. We recommend you do the same and Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you accomplish this goal.

As we said it has been a pretty relaxing summer and we have really taken advantage of the time to be with friends and family. The payoff has been huge as we are entering the fall and the the busy transition that lies ahead. It is eye opening to see the benefits of slowing down and being with others. It gives you a new perspective.

Since there has been a focus on own self care and summer relaxation, there has not been as much of a push to work on connections. Clients are feeling relaxed given less stress in the summer, but we have already been hearing rumblings of increase in stress with school around the corner. Given that we are gearing up for the fall busy season, both with clients and working on our connections with current and new organizations. As usual, we continue advising TrainerMD and helping them develop their programming, with the hope to have continued exciting announcements with that in the future.


Although not everyday recently has shown it, summer is definitely here. For most school is out. Sports are either winding down or entering into the travel or all-star seasons. We are all taking a collected sigh of relief for a break and the time to recharge as the days are longer and nicer. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you take advantage of this time of year and help you meet these goals.

It is summer, a time to recharge, relax, and enjoy vacations with friends and family, the work is still never done. Some clients are taking a break until school restarts and recharging on their own, others are sneaking in more to take advantage of the time. It is also an exciting time to catch up with many of the college age clients we see who are home on break and have not been in awhile. Personally, I love this time of year, just being more active, and trying to spend some time every day outside, just sitting in the grass and watching the clouds. I highly recommend it as a way to relax and just be.

At the same time, we continue to network and build relationships. This is such an important skill to do in life, both professionally and personally, and is something we actually enjoy doing. We have continued to have conversations with professionals at Lovell Hockey Academy building the relationship. At the same time, we went back in time with our first connection, Athletic Evolution, and gave our yearly talk on Sport Psychology with their summer interns. This may have been the 7th or 8th year at this point, and is something we look forward to every year. The most recent highlight was attending the Female Athlete Conference in Boston. It was a chance to meet many other professionals in the field and learn about the research many others are doing in the field. Definitely learned a lot that can be applied professionally going forward, while also discussing potential collaboration projects with others. We are still plugging away with TrainerMD and helping them develop their programming, with the hope to have continued exciting announcements with that in the future.


Although we have still had some cold gray rainy days, we have been teased with several gorgeous warm days. It lighter longer into the day, and many people have a growing desire to just be outside. It is an exciting time of year as the world undergoes many transitions. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you as we enter this new time of year.

Although sometimes we hope things would slow down and even we can take an extended break, the reality is this never happens. That is okay because we love what we do. At the same time, we do find time to care for ourselves and enjoy our free time, as we all should. Spring is our favorite time of year, and we are looking forward to many fun friend and family activities. In the meantime, back to work.

This is a transition time of year, which can be both exciting and scary at the same time. Anything that is new or a change can trigger many emotions in a person. For students, it is a time of increased academic demands, social stresses, and preparing for the next steps. For athletes, it is a time of change from one sport season to another. These areas remain the main focus of our work.

At the same time, there is never a break from working on connections. We have had several great conversations with several prep schools and the future work with them is promising. Specifically, we had a great time meeting and giving a talk for the Lovell Hockey Academy on the field of sport psychology. Also, we recently did a follow up Question and Answer session for the Franklin Pierce University men's lacrosse team that helped them improve mental toughness and teamwork. Exciting things are coming in the near future for both these programs.

Working with TrainerMD and helping them develop their programming remains a continued piece of the work. It is fun to have some variety in the work, and the directions of their programming are exciting and we cannot wait to share more details in the future. While we work on that, we will continue to have contact with our other connections, and as always looking to build more.


Overall it has been a nice and somewhat low key winter. There have been cold days, but days that have shown an inkling that spring may not be that far off. After moments of darkness, the days are getting longer and brighter. The same has been true within the practice. We have had a good group of steady clients engaged in treatment while coping with many different life challenges. However, just like the weather there have been signs that things are brightening up, things are getting busier, and progress is being made each day. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you with this process of making your days brighter.

Winter time is always a busy time of year at Peak Mental Performance, Coaching. The post holiday period of the year often feels like a grind of pushing through and getting to the next steps. The focus is often on clients and helping them do the same. This year has been no exception.

As we said, we have been busy with helping clients manage the day to day challenges from clinical challenges, to the heart of sport schedules, to the school demands going up. However, we never stop working on the organizational level of working with programs, and helping their clients any way we can.

January started off well as we returned to Athletic Evolution for the first time in several years to meet the athletes they are training that are hopefuls for the NFL combine or pro days. it was exciting to watch how motivated and engaged these athletes were in their training as we got to watch and consult with them on aspects of mental health and social presentation. It was great to try to help these athletes take a big step towards making their dreams come true.

We continue to work hard to keep connections with several Primary Care Offices and school systems. Also two of our affiliations have rebranded and launching new endeavors. Just4Kicks is now is New England Return To Sport Center, and High End Hockey is now Elev802Boston. We wish them the best going forward. Direct emails have also been going out to various schools and programs to discuss and share our services. Several meetings and talks are in the process of being set up, and we hope the next Newsletter will be able to provide updates on this work and the making of new relationships.



Winter is here and the holiday season has started. We hope that everyone is able to take advantage of this time of year to reflect on everything they are grateful for and take time to be with friends and family and recharge. It is the time to review your growth and everything that has been learned over the past year, and prepare to take these lessons into the next. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to help you with this process.

Winter time is always a busy time of year at Peak Mental Performance, Coaching. The holidays tend to bring unique challenges to many of our clients. The sport seasons have changed over, school demands are ongoing, and just the general chaos the holiday season can increase the stress level of many people.

We have been continuing to talk or meet and support different organizations. We recently gave a talk on the field of Sport Psychology for the men's lacrosse team at Franklin Pierce University and want to thank them for a great opportunity. It was a lot of fun and hope it provided their players with skills to increase their mental toughness. We have also had several conversations with members of the Athletic Evolution staff and are looking forward to January to support some of the athletes they train. More information to come on that in the future.

We continue to typically have biweekly consultations with TrainerMD, working on supporting their mission to optimize human performance. We are hoping to continue to help them support the UNH Men's Hockey team and the new organizations that they are working on bringing into the platform. We should have updates on this in the new year.

Given all these factors, the practice will remain exceptionally busy through the holiday season. We are in the office several days per week, and continue to offer telehealth services to all clients Referrals continue to be taken on a case by case basis, but feel free to reach out directly or complete the New Client Match Questionnaire on the practice website to see what Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC can do for you.

Check out our new Blog titled Momentum And Performance. In this new blog we examine the concept of Momentum, what it is and how to use it tp push through challenges.


The leaves are changing and there is a crisp in the air. School demands have kicked into gear, and sports are deep into their seasons. Fall has officially arrived. It is a great time of year, but continues to be be very busy. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to be there for you as you enter this new and challenging time of year.

Ironically we started the fall right before Labor Day with a quick few days off to prepare for the fall transition. After stressing the importance of self care, it was important to sneak in a little for ourselves as well. This tends to be the busiest time of year with school and fall sport demands adding to client stress. It always feels like this time flies by so fast given the clinical demands of clients.


Obviously we have spent a lot of time with clients as the main focus of this time of year given the transition. At the same time, we have manage to continue to contact new organizations and reorganize with our current ones. We recently visited Athletic Evolution and saw the new facility. Given the pandemic it had been a long time since we had met. It was great catching up and learning about the new facility and all the work they are doing with local athletic programs. We are looking forward to continuing to work with them.


As always, we continue to have frequent consultations with TrainerMD, working on supporting their mission to optimize human performance. We wanted to give a big thank you to University Of New Hampshire Men's hockey team that provided tickets for TrainerMD advisors as the hockey team is showing significant improvement using the TrainerMD system. It was a great game and awesome to meet several of the other advisors. The future is bright in this area and hopefully more to come in the near future.


Given all the work with current clients and connections with many organizations, things will remain exceptionally busy going further into fall. We are in the office, but also offering telehealth services. Referrals continue to be taken on a case by case basis, but feel free to reach out today to see what Peak Mental Performance Coaching can do for you.


Summer has been a great time for relaxation and we have done our best to take advantage of it. We do remain very busy with clients throughout the last couple months as typically things do not slow down even in the summer. However, in the midst we have found time to ourselves to be away or just be with friends. At the same time, even we have increased out self-awareness that self-care, being in the moment, and being with others may be the best mental health treatment one can find. If you are ready to work on the same type of mindset with the fall coming, Peak Mental Performance LLC is ready to be there for you. 

Summer has been busy but rewarding. We have had the opportunity to continue to meet with current and new clients. The schedule remains the same in terms of a mix of in person and telehealth sessions. This will continue indefinitely as it has been such a great way to work. The fall tends to be the busiest time of year, and new clients will continue to be accepted on a case by case basis.  


As always, we continue to have frequent consultations with TrainerMD, working on supporting their mission to optimize human performance. Our role continues to center on mental health program development. So exciting to see where this work can go and hoping the next few months can bring even more detailed information.


It has been a good summer so far connecting with other organizations and professionals. We have had the opportunity to learn more about the interesting work of other professionals in the field and are looking forward to applying this information to our work. We continue to work on reconnecting with former organizations and primary care offices. It is always a challenge with everyone so busy, but it so enjoyable. Several more are planned in the next couple weeks, and will keep you posted.


In the mean time, fall is rapidly approaching, and it is time to get ready the big transition.   


Summer is here. School is out, sports are going well, and the fun is just beginning. We can feel the warmth in the air, the longer days, and a more relaxed environment. It is time to take advantage of this time of year, recharge our batteries, slow ourselves down, and just be. Peak Mental Performance LLC is ready to be there for you. 

As we transition into summer we anticipate being as busy as always. Given that we continue to take in person and virtual clients on a case by case basis. If we are not the right match, we will do our best to point you in a direction to find that person. 

We continue to have frequent consultations with TrainerMD, working on supporting their mission to optimize human performance. Our role continues to center on mental health program development. So exciting to see where this work can go. 

We continue to work on reconnecting with former organizations, and actively working on building new relationships. The highlight so far has been our annual talk at Athletic Evolution for their interns on what a Sport Psychologist does. It had been a two year hiatus since we were able to give this talk in person due to the pandemic, and it was great to be back in person. These talks are always fun and if you are an organization looking for support let us know and we would be happy to help. 

In the mean time, we look forward to summer opportunities to relax, learn some new things, and grow. Hopefully you are ready to do the same.  



Spring is clearly on the horizon as there have been the start of warmer days and increased sunlight. The cusp of a new beginning is rapidly approaching. it is time to embrace this new beginning and prepare for the challenges and successes that lie ahead. Peak Mental Performance Coaching is here to help you in this process.

The practice continues to remain swamped with referrals which is a great thing. It is always exciting to continue to meet with new clients with many different types of needs. it keeps the work refreshing and fun. We continue to accept new clients on a case by case basis, and if we cannot match, we will do our best to provide directions to help you find someone who may. Sessions continue to be a mix of in person and telehealth. 


We continue to have frequent consultations with TrainerMD. Right now we are still working on setting up the timeline and plans for the development of their client content on mental health and performance. Exciting things are coming in the future. 


We are definitely still in the midst of the making the connection push. While we have reached out and reconnected with several organizations. it was great to visit Athletic Evolution and finally see their new facility and hear about their plans for the future. At the same time, we have had the opportunity to give several talks on mental health and sport psychology for North Andover parent action group and for Stoneham High School Athletic Booster's Club. These are always fun experiences and something we are always willing to give out time to. If you are interested in this for your town or organization let us know. In the next months we will continue to push connections, both old and new. 


It is a new year so time for new beginnings. Fingers crossed, but it looks like the pandemic is finally starting to ease. Not much has changed with our clinical work at this time. We continue to meet many new clients, and steady doing a mix of in person and telehealth work. We do not anticipate this changing in the near future, if ever. Although we are in the heart of winter, our minds are already drifting to the spring. The hope is that many new exciting things happen this year personally and professionally. Peak Mental Performance Coaching is here to do the same for you.

As we said previously, clinically not much has changed with the start of 2022. Still very busy, getting new referrals almost every day. We are taking new clients on a case by case basis, as we really stress clinical match as an important factor. If we do not match we will do everything we can to give you direction to help you find that match. 


We continue to have frequent contact and consultations with TrainerMD. For athletes specifically, we are starting to help them develop their new content for their clients. However, by doing so, it has reminded us of many different interventions or ways to conceptualize a case we can use everyday with clients regardless of clinical need. Everyone needs a reminder like this and we are excited to have been given this reminder.


The reminder has given us a sense of new energy and purpose. It is going to take a lot of work, and continued improvement in the pandemic, but we are planning for big connection push in the next few months. The hope is to better connect with old connections, and really grow the new ones. Are you ready to join us in this goal?.





Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. 2021 continued to be a challenging year for many. However, there still have been many positives this year at Peak Mental Performance Coaching. We are back in the office, but will continue to offer telehealth. We have helped many clients continue to learn the mental skills to be successful in life. We have made new relationships and grown existing ones. Who knows what great things are ahead in 2022, but we are excited to find out and hope you feel the same.

We have continued to be in the office more over the last couple months, but will support clients in any way they feel the most comfortable as many remain on telehealth. Referrals continue to come in as there are always those in need. It has exciting been ding a mix of both types of treatment as we get to return to prior treatment approaches, while still experimenting with new ones.



Happy fall everyone. As we enter a transition time of year, Halloween is just a few days away and the next thing you know we will be into the holiday season. Typically I love this time of year. Despite the yard work, there is always something special about jumping in the leaves, carving pumpkins, and sitting by a fire pit. Football is in full swing, hockey is getting ready to drop the puck, and the many of the other sports are deep into their seasons. While there are many exciting things going on, this can be the time of year of increased stress. People are already feeling the demands of the holidays rapidly approaching. Although students are back in the building, schools typically increase their demands at this time of year, and this year has been a unique adjustment. Whether you are an athlete, student, or general clinical psychology client, Peak Mental Performance Coaching is ready to teach you the skills to manage these many changes.

We have continued to slowly increase office hours into the fall. However, with many clients preferring to utilize telehealth, this will remain a treatment option It works well, and remains an effective method of treatment as many clients now the ability to log in from school or their sports facility. This is such an amazing option of treatment for both client and provider and really makes scheduling easier for everyone. 

As with every fall, we continue to be very busy In particular we have noticed an uptick in school anxiety, which is not a surprise with the transition back to regular school. However, on the flip side, many of the athletes we work with are excited to be back to having a normal season, enjoying fans being back in the stands, and the return of intense competition. Despite being busy we continue to take referrals on a case by case basis whether in be in the office, online, or hybrid treatment. If you know someone who is in need of support, feel free to have them contact us.

We continue to have frequent contact and consultations with TrainerMD and are now a full member of their advisory board. They have many exciting things in the works they will be rolling out for athletes in the next few months and we look forward to sharing them when the time is right. We continue building our relationship with Xcelerated Performance. Keep an eye on future newsletters as we hope to develop new programming with them over the next few months. We have other meetings coming up with other contacts in the next few and hope there will be more to share in the near future. We are always looking for new organizations to work with so reach out today to talk more.


It has been a busy summer at Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC as we have begun transitioning back to the office part time. There have been some snags as we adjust to a new hybrid schedule, but it is nice to see clients in person again. We will continue to offer both in office and telehealth sessions as the transition into the fall happens.



Are you ready for summer? After a long year and significant stress everyone is gearing up for the summer fun and relaxation. The time has come to recharge, and take stock of the lessons learned through your experiences, and give yourself credit the resilience you have gained over the past year. It is the time to care of yourself and let any emotional wounds continue to heal, and begin to plan the next steps of what you want to accomplish going forward. Peak Mental Performance Coaching is ready to help take you there.

Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC is excited that the summer transition is rapidly approaching. With that, there is a plan to return to the office in the near future though no specific date has been set as we wait for final guidance from the state. However, this is an long awaited step. At the same time, telehealth services will continue to be offered for those who prefer that service.


We continue to be busy working with clients with a diverse set of needs. This really keeps the work fresh and exciting. With summer coming it is likely we will remain busy. At the same time, like everyone should be doing, there are plans to take time and recharge this summer, and prepare the next steps of where to take the practice.


We have had the opportunity to connect with many of our associations, several of whom are taking the same approach. We were excited to hear that our first connection Athletic Evolution is expanding and moving to a new location. We can't wait to get there and see the new place in person The same is true for High End Hockey, who are rebranding as Elev802 Boston, and also expanding. These two programs will be adding many new exciting resources to the community and we are excited to join in the process. We have recently began speaking further with Rob Day, the owner of PuckStoppers Hockey, and are excited to see where this relationship can go.  We continue to have frequent contact and consultations with TrainerMD and looking forward to more over the summer. Finally, there have been other reach outs to programs with the hope of growing connections further over the summer.

We continue to accept new clients if the right match in need and if you or someone you know is in need please reach out to discuss our services. At the same time, we are always looking for new collaboration opportunities with Primary Care, School, or Sport Organizations. 


With the start of April we can feel that Spring is in the air. The world is starting to open back up, Students are starting to return for more in person hours, spring sports are getting ready to start after an interim winter sports season. While many challenges continue, progress has been made, and although there is much work to do, excitement lies ahead. Peak Mental Performance Coaching is ready to help take you there.

Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC continues to be exceptionally busy supporting our clients, particularly as pandemic stress remains high, and now that schools and sports are returning full time. Although we continue to work via telehealth the plan is being put in place to return to the office However, even then we will continue to offer telehealth services going forward.


Although busy with clients, we continue to keep up with some of our referral connections. We have had several consultations with Trainer MD, helping them further develop their programming in athlete fitness. We have received referrals from several Primary Care offices and colleagues in private practice. The hope is that as the pandemic eases, we can continue to put energy in developing and growing these and new relationships further.


We continue to accept new clients if the right match in need and if you or someone you know is in need please reach out to discuss our services. At the same time, we are always looking for new collaboration opportunities with Primary Care, School, or Sport Organizations. 

Check out our new Blog titled Pandemic Reflections. In this new blog we reflect on the year, challenges faced, lessons learned, and growth of ourselves and clients. Through these reflections it becomes apparent that resiliency comes through adversity.



It was a nice holiday for us, and Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC hopes you did as well. After a long year it was nice to have some down time with family. However, with the start of the near year it is time to get back to work. The world still seems stuck, but there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel. We have started the year busy, but if you or someone you care about is in need, we are here to help them start the path to that light.

The impact of the pandemic continues to be the primary driving force behind much of our work as we entered the new year. Many of the students we work with continue to struggle with remote or hybrid school, athletes are impacted by the uncertainties of their seasons, and anxiety is simply higher in everyone The need for mental heath support has never been greater and we are ready to do our part.


Given the holidays and our focus on supporting our clients we have not been as busy in making new connections as typical. We have checked in with several of our affiliations who are working hard to stay busy and manage the pandemic's impact on them and their clients. They continue to have our support any way we can. If you or someone you know is looking to discuss the work we do, feel free to reach out as we are always looking for new collaboration opportunities. 


Check out our new Blog titled The Importance Of Self-Awareness, Critical Thinking, And Responsibility To Being Mentally Tough. These skills are essential to learn in order to cope with stress and grow as person and have may never been more important to know today than at any other time in history.




Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays. It may be different than expected, but it is still a time of friends, family, and fun, even it has to be done creatively. We hope you are able to do this, but if you need support Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to be there.

We continue to be very busy with many clients, routinely accepting new ones as the pandemic is driving an increase in anxiety, depression, school, and sports struggles, and simply missing the normalcy of the past. The holidays have certainly been exacerbating these challenges. We remain dedicated to supporting our clients through this season, while hoping for a small break and an enjoyable holiday season ourselves.


The summer has come and gone, schools and many sports have been in full swing for many months. Unfortunately many are still stuck and stressed, trying to cope with the unknowns of the fall and impending winter. Although in many respects it feels as if we are not moving forward, we have to remind ourselves not everything has changed, positives do lie ahead, and everyone has strengths and the ability to find resiliency to keep pushing forward. Peak Mental Performance Coaching LLC is ready to join you in the process.


Unfortunately it has been a rather uneventful few months at Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC in terms of change. As I say to many of my clients still stuck here at home. Despite this fact, we are dedicated to helping our clients find ways to cope and move forward in life. Telehealth continues to be an effective means of treatment. Every month we get a little closer to being back in the office, hoping to see people in person soon. Many of our clients are happy with the efficacy and convenience of this means of treatment, and will continue to do what they feel is best for them. Although the timeline to be back in the office is still unknown, we are actively seeing people and accepting new referrals..  


​While the primary focus these last couple of months has been our direct work with clients, we have been able to connect with several of our affiliations and other community contacts​, and are actively working on finding collaboration opportunities to help them, and their clients' needs. At the same time, we have talked to several new ones and hope to have more formal announcements in the near future. If you are an organization looking to expand your connections we are always excited to talk about new collaboration opportunities. 

8/7/20 - It has been a fun summer, but work wise an exceptionally busy one for Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC. Society has seen a surge in mental heath challenges due to the pandemic and fall will undoubtedly bring many more. We remain committed to helping our clients any way we can. Telehealth continues to be an effective means of treatment, and we are lucky to be able to use it everyday. The timeline to be back in the office is still unknown, but we are actively seeing people and accepting new referrals.. 


​While the primary focus these last couple of months has been our direct work with clients, we have been able to connect with several of our affiliations and other community contacts​.For several of them this has been a difficult time and I hope they know they have our full support. We continue to be developing new relationships, hoping for future announcements, and if you are an organization wanting to discuss collaboration and support feel free to reach out

6/16/20 - It has been several months since we have been in the office seeing clients in person which is missed. However, telehealth has been successful and is a really effective means of treatment, with the hope it can continue into the future even when restrictions are lifted. The timeline to be back in the office is still unknown, but we are actively seeing people and accepting new referrals at this time. 

We continue to build on our existing relationships, supporting many of our affiliations and connections, in any way we can think of, many of whom are struggling during the pandemic. If you are one of those groups  reach out. For everyone else, whether it is one of our connections or someone you know, support them as they can a use it at this time. 

We are excited that this month to be giving a talk for the interns at Athletic Evolution. on What Is A Sport Psychologist and What Do We Do? It is something we have been doing for several years and look forward to every year. Unfortunately this year it will not be done in person due to the pandemic However, now everyone can listen in on as it has been taped and is the first installment on our new VLOG that is being launched on our new YouTube Channel, and hopefully it will grow in the future. as we are excited about this new this new way to connect. You can access the VLOG by clicking HERE.

4/22/20 - We Are All In This Together


Despite the pandemic, work never stops for Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC. We continue to be busy supporting our clients, especially as many are struggling with increased anxiety due to all the uncertainty going on. Kids are struggling with being homeschooled, parents are having to work and be teachers at the same time, athletes are mourning the loss of their seasons or interruption in training. Almost everyone is wondering if and when will we ever get back to normal, or what the future will be like when we do.


This pandemic has demonstrated that Telehealth can be an effective and productive way to do therapy. We have been meeting with our clients full time successfully for over a month all online at this point and feel that is has been going really well. This will continue for the foreseeable future, and likely will remain an option in the future as well. 


Despite the challenges we have been pushing many of our clients to find their resiliency and grow from this experience. You can read more about this in our recent blog Resiliency And Growth In A Time Of Crisis. 


Despite working entirely by telehealth we are still accepting new clients. in fact we have already met several online, though we cannot wait for the day to meet them in person. We are actively still taking on new clients, so if you know someone who needs support through this crisis, have them reach out today. 


Despite social distancing we have been trying to keep up with different connections and affiliations, as many are impacted directly by the pandemic. We send you all our support, and if there is anything we can do now, or if you want to discuss more ideas for the future, we are here for you, and ready to help any way we can think of. The same works for any organization that wants to develop a new relationship as we are all in this together.  


Social distancing does not mean social isolation as we are all in this together. In the meantime check out the new Blog on Resilience And Growth In a Time Of Crisis. 

4/1/20 - April Fools

While I wish this was all an April Fools Day prank and we can wake up tomorrow and have everything back to normal, we unfortunately can't. Hopefully everyone is being smart, keeping separate,  keeping busy, and staying healthy. 

Telehealth has been up and running and positive for the last few weeks. Everyone appears to be adjusting well to the New Normal. We are still accepting new clients so feel free reach out if you need anything. Social distancing does not mean social isolation so know you are not alone and we can help get you through this. 


First, we hope everyone is staying heathy and safe, and we really encourage everyone to follow the guidelines put out on how to stay safe and relaxed. Try to put together a good daily routine for yourself or your child. Use your strengths and interests to manage stress Use your logic brain, not the panic brain. 

In the meantime we are still open, but have switched over to a teleheath model of treatment for the forseeable future. Most insurances are covering this type of service given the crisis. We have already done it successfully with multiple clients and have many more set up. We are still taking new clients but on a case by case basis based on whether or not it is clinically appropriate to start online. Feel free to reach out and we can talk more. 


We are in the midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic and I know there are many questions and concerns out there. First, for our current clients we are still open and seeing scheduled clients. We do ask that you contact the office with any questions and concerns, particularly if you or a close family member is showing signs of illness. Secondly, we are actively pursuing and investigating the possibility of telehealth sessions as many insurance companies have this service standard now. If you are interested in pursuing this, we recommend you contact your insurance company directly to make sure this benefit is covered in your plan. We will do our best to help with the process and thank you for your patience as we adjust to this fluid situation. We will post updates as they happen. In the interim, please follow all medical recommendations, stay busy, relax, and take a deep breath.



 It is only early February and what a whirlwind of a year it has already been. We've met many new clients and have had successful meetings with affilated organizations. If things keep up like this 2020 is going to be the best year yet for the practice.


We started off 2020 by heading over to Athletic Evolution in Woburn to meet with many players training there for the NFL Combine or Draft. It was a lot of fun meeting the guys and watching them in action and talking abut the field of Sport Psychology and the benefits to their training. We wish them all the best in pursuing their dreams.


While there we stopped off and talked to providers of their Physical Therapy Department who were working hard with a packed room (and a cute dog) at the time. Always fun to check in there.


Later in the month we met with multiple representatives from TrainerMD, a sports fitness technology company looking to find new ways to optimize sports performance. It is exciting to be an advisor to the company and to see where the future lies. More to come on that relationship hopefully in the near future.


February is shaping up to be a busy month as well as we have already set up several phone conversations with other organizations and hope to keep expanding and building relationships with them, and those we still plan to reach out to. More to hopefully come on that in the future.


12/3/19 - Happy Holidays

Well Thanksgiving has passed and we are entering a busy holiday season. It has been busy as always here. As we noted back in October we are building a new relationship with the Boston Imperials Hockey Club. In fact starting the work with them has inspired this month's blog. We are excited to build this relationship and apply the same supports to other school or athletic programs. The rest of the time has been spent meeting many new clients as the phone has been ringing off the hook to meet and support many interesting new clients. This will make the holidays fly by. We hope you and your family and friends have a wonderful holiday season and we cannot wait to see what 2020 brings to the practice.

10/25/19 - Exciting News

We are very excited to announce the new affiliation with the Boston Imperials Hockey Club, a new, dynamic, and exciting hockey program. This program takes a wholistic approach in student-athlete development.


Specifically they believe "Hockey is a tough sport for parents and players to navigate. We promise our program will prepare your child to be an effective player AND student, with all the tools and information needed to make informed decisions about your future.  Our goal is to help develop players to the highest level they can achieve so that when they are done playing, at whatever level they are at, they are prepared for life and career beyond the ice." - Boston Imperials Website


This is a great philosophy and something that Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC strongly advocates as well. Dr. Flynn will be serving as a Mental Performance Coach for the program supporting athletes, parents, coaches, and program directors to help them fulfill this message. We are excited to see where this connection can go now and in the future. Dr. Flynn will be leading a seminar in November for players and parents on managing anxiety during the tryout process. 


Also an additional side note we have spoken recently to TrainerMD who Dr. Flynn has also joined their advisory board. It was a great conversation and we are hoping for even more positive announcements regarding this relationship in the near future. 


10/8/19 - Back To Reality

With the end of summer and start of fall it is time to get back to reality. School is session, sport seasons have started, and for many stress is up. Busy start for us as well, but we are ready to go to make this a good year for our clients. Also we recently spoke to Rob Day, a great goalie coach, and also a founder of Sports Science Solutions. His company helps maximize athlete performance, and we are hoping to continue to develop a relationship with him. We have also recently given a talk on the benefits of a Sport Psychologist for the staff at Mike Boyle's Sports Club, a training facility that works with many top athletes. It was a lot of fun and we are thankful for the opportunity. Finally, still working on making connections with multiple primary care offices. Somewhere in the midst of all that we have already begun working with many new and exciting clients with many different mental health challenges.

8/1/19 - The Dog Days Of Summer

It is exciting to say that we are coming up on the one year anniversary in early August of the combination of my Clinical and Sport / Educational practices under one roof. Amazing how time flies but it has been a great year.


So far it has been a relatively relaxing summer despite still being very busy with clients, including many new ones. It has been a much needed one given a very hectic end of the school year.

We did manage to meet up at Athletic Evolution and talk to many local high school athletes and teams to discuss the field of Sport Psychology and benefits to athletes. I'd like to send a big thank you to Scott and the many other coaches there for helping with the process and also letting me watch the great work they do. Hoping to be back soon.

There are a few other potential meetings and new things to announce, but too soon to make anything official and public, but stay tuned for the future. Otherwise we hope you are enjoying your summer and getting ready for fall rush.


However, before the rush we will be taking our own vacation as even we need a break at times. We will be out of the office from Aug 2 through the 11th, back to work on the 12th. As a result there will be delay getting back to new clients and contacts until the office reopens. But rest assured we will get back to you. 

We are available to our current clients as always in case of an emergency.

June 4, 2019 - Summer Transition

It was a busy May and looking to be a busy summer as well. We met with Athletic Evolution to prepare for spending more time there over the summer. For the third straight year we will be speaking at their intern training seminar. While at AE we met with Julie Hubbard, who is a new physical therapist at AE, but also the founder of Just4KicksBoston. Her organization specializes in ACL injuries, rehab, and back to sport, and is our newest affiliation.


Later in May, we also met with Trainer MD, to continue to develop our relationship as an advisor to their company. Hoping for bigger news in that area as time goes on.


I happened to find a little time to read a great book, The Playmakers Advantage by Dr. Leonard Zaichkowsky and Daniel Peterson. This book discusses many theories on mental toughness in sports, but the concepts can be applied anywhere. Although I am biased as Dr. Zaichkowsky was one of my doctoral project readers, I highly recommend it.


Finally, my office mates and I hosted many local providers with different specialties which was a great success and will continue to add to our growing list of resources and connections.   We are getting ready for summer, though still very busy growing the practice, having met with many new clients recently, but also looking forward to a nice relaxing summer. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a connection feel free to reach out.

April 2, 2019 - Time is flying.

I cannot believe it is April as time is flying by. Things have really good, busy as always with all types of clients. Also have reconnected with Athletic Evolution and excited to help out their interns this summer. Still gearing up for the sports season and of course MCAS and college decisions. It should be an exciting month. If you are a potential new client or program feel free to reach out as now is a great time to set new goals for yourself and reach out to see how we can help you. 

March 10, 2019 - Is spring coming soon?

February all about the clients. We have met many clients with a variety of clinical needs this month. It has busy and rewarding to push our own growth this month. So busy we did not have a chance to update the website.


As we enter March another exciting month lays ahead. It is sure to be busy with MCAS testing, SATs, college acceptances, and a change in sport seasons as nice weather approaches.


Still working with building additional relationships, while reconnecting with our prior ones. More to come on that as it happens. In the meantime, we are always looking to meet and talk to new organizations so feel free to reach out to

1/29/19 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. It was a great year for Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC. We started small and ended a growing Clinical, Educational, and Sport Psychology Practice. We certainly did not see that coming at the start of the year, but excited to see that is where we ended. We have big goals for this year. It has been a busy start already. We now accept AllWays insurance from Partners Healthcare. We have building relationships with new primary care offices and other sport referral sources, and hoping to still add more. Finally, we have already met with many new and exciting clients. It will be exciting to see where this year takes us. 


12/13/18 - Happy Holidays

It has been a busy month, mostly dealing with holiday preparation end of the year rapidly approaching. Lots of new clients this month as well. Currently needing to catch up and get back to writing the blog, hopefully with an update soon. Despite all this we had the opportunity to meet with the Fusion School, an innovative school that is national, but expanding further into Massachusetts, and serves kids with academic challenges, athletes, or just students looking to learn in a creative fashion. We are looking forward to learning more about them and building a relationship. Other than that, just looking forward to getting through the holidays and hitting the ground running in 2019. 

11/20/18 - Happy Birthday Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC

On 11/20/17 we opened the doors as a small sport and educational mental skills practice when we met with our first client. One year later we have grown into a thriving Clinical, Educational, and Sport Psychology practice. Over the last year we have met with so many people and programs that have helped us grow and are thankful to all of them for their support. We are also grateful to all the colleagues for all their support and guidance. Finally, friends and family have helped us every step of the way. It has been an awesome year and we cannot wait to see what the next year brings. 


10/1/18 - A Good September

Overall it was a very busy month, really just working hard and meeting with a lot of clients, both ones who have been with for awhile, and many new ones. Needless to say much of the attention has been there this month. Hard to believe it is already October. At the same time we have been busy still reaching out to new contacts and building new professional relationships. his month we are excited to announce that we have become an advisor to TrainerMD, an emerging tech company dedicated to the fitness, sport, and nutrition worlds all under one umbrella. They were recently featured on Boston News Five in Mike Wankum's Cutting Edge segment. Check it out Here. This is an exciting opportunity for Peak Mental Performance Coaching to help add a mental health component to something that impacts everyone on a daily basis as there is no secret between the connection of physical and mental health.


9/9/18 - One Month In and Feeling Good

It has been a great first month and I think we are starting to hit our stride. We are up to full speed with many former clients and have the opportunity to already meet some new ones. A few business hiccups but all is good now, as officially have all insurance panels set as we now accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Tufts, Harvard Pilgrim, UHC, UBH, and out of network payment. Still working on solidifying new connections and hopeful it will happen this month. Overall things are positive and moving forward nicely. 


8/6/18 -Open for Business

Today is launch day as Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC is rebranded to serve all your Clinical, Educational, and Sport Psychology Needs. We are currently accepting new clients. We accept Blue Cross and out of network payment, with other insurances to follow soon. Check out the website or contact us with any questions to see how we can help you or your child. We have also met with Breakaway Triathlon to learn about their business and client needs. There will be big announcements soon about the addition of new affiliations. we are always looking to met new programs and clients so feel free to reach out. Confidence In Performance, Confidence For Life.


7/1/18 - Happy Summer

Although the kids are happy to be out for summer, the work does not stop here. As of August 6th we will be full time at 955 Main St Suite 105 in Winchester. At that point Dr. Flynn will be combining his Sport / Educational Practice with his general Clinical Psychology practice. Whether you are an athlete, student, or a client with general mental health challenges, the services open to you will help everyone reach their peak mental performance.

There will be many updates to the practice webpage as this transition process unfolds and we ask for your patience. Check back frequently to see them or call or email us with any questions in the interim. It is also important to note that we are in the process of applying to several insurance panels for our Clinical Psychology clients. Feel us to contact us about that and session rates in the interim.

Finally it has been a busy month working with several of our affiliations. In June we attended and spoke at High End Hockey's Exposure Showcase. We watched some great hockey, including some of our clients,  all show off their skills for college coaches and programs. Now looking forward, we are preparing to teach a "Sport Psychology 101" class at Athletic Evolution starting at the end of July, which will be a lot of fun to do, and introduce their athletes to the field of Sport Psychology. 


6/10/18 - Big Changes

It is official - we have moved to 955 Main St Suite 105 in Winchester. Over the next couple of months we will be expanding to add a Clinical Psychology specialty to the practice, official in August. This new specialty will help clients with all mental health needs learn many of the same skills as our athletes and students, so that they too can reach their peak mental performance. See the Clinical Psychology section for details on our specialties.

There will be many updates to the practice webpage as this transition process unfolds and we ask for your patience. Check back frequently to see them or call or email us with any questions in the interim.



5/29/18 - Big Changes and Expansions on the Horizon

May started off quietly, but certainly sped up quickly. First a big thank you to Cedardale Health and Fitness in Andover for giving us an opportunity to discuss the world of Sport Psychology. 

With that we are excited to announce that we that we are moving to a new location effective June 4th. We can now be found at 955 Main St, suite 105 in Winchester. Athletic Evolution has been a great launching location and we are very thankful for our time there. They will continue to be a strong affiliation and we look forward to still spending a lot time there this summer and in the future helping their athletes achieve their Peak Mental Performance.


Keep an eye out for more announcements that will be coming over the next couple of months as more expansion is coming with the new location. 


4/23/18 - I think it is spring but it does not feel like it.

In March we attended the New England Youth Wrestling Championships which was a lot of fun. We also attended the Registration weekend with the higher level players of the Islanders Hockey Club. The week of April 4/9-4/13 was fantastic but exhausting. Thank you to Athletic Evolution and the Islanders Hockey Club for inviting us to their combine and registration. It was fun seeing so many hockey players of all ages running around and having a good time. The week was capped off watching some great basketball players and giving a talk for the parents of Evolution Hoops, a new team partner. They are an awesome AAU boys and girls basketball and volleyball program. Check them out. In May we have scheduled a talk on the Wellness In Tennis and Fitness at Cedardale Health and Fitness in Andover. We are always looking to make more contacts so feel free to contact us at if you are interested in learning how we can help you or your program reach the next level of performance.

We are still in the midst of developing new programming that can hopefully be announced soon. In the meantime let's not forget the one on one work we do to improve athlete or student performance.


3/6/18 - February flew by and I cannot believe we are into March.

On 3/4 we spent another day with the Woburn A's, an AAU Baseball program, meeting their players and parents to discuss our services. Later this month we will be attending  New England Youth Wrestling Championships and meeting with the Islanders Hockey Club. We are always looking to make more contacts so feel free to contact us at if you are interested in learning how we can help you or your program reach the next level of performance.

We are also in the midst of developing new programming that can hopefully announce soon. Of course let's not forget the daily we work we do to improve athlete or student performance.


2/18/18 -  It has been a busy February so far with a lot more to come.

We have been working hard to make many new contacts and referral sources, not just for us, but for our clients. We met with the Boston Junior Rangers, a junior hockey program, giving a talk on the benefits of having a sport psychologist on your team which was well received. We spent time at Smart Light Sports, meeting their athletes and  learning about their unique coaching methods. We have also met with the Woburn A's, an AAU Baseball program and Pro-Ex Physical Therapy who service athletes of all ages in the Woburn area. Talks are scheduled with both programs in the near future to help them reach their Peak Mental Performance. 

More meetings and talks with other top athletic programs are upcoming and will be announced in the coming weeks. We are always looking to make more contacts so feel free to contact us at if you are interested in learning how we can help you or your program reach the next level of performance.

For your convenience we are now accepting credit cards and  online payments.


PRACTICE NEWS BLOG: 1/14/18 -  We are a proud team member with Athletic Evolution in Woburn, MA. AE works with all athletes to customize their athletic training program. We have also recently began building a relationship with High End Hockey, an elite hockey skills training program. We are always excited to build new relationships and collaborate with other in the sport or educational world. Give us a call or send us an email and let's talk.


The NEW CLIENT process has been made easier as it can now be completed directly online and sent to us in one step. Check it out.


I also got several great books for the holidays which I have already sped through and added to the reference list. In particular and a must read for any athlete or parent of an athlete looking to be recruited is The Athletic Scholarship Playbook: A Complete College Recruiting Roadmap for High School Athletes and Parents by Jon Fugler. This book provides all the steps of the college recruiting process  with tips, tricks, and a lot of helpful references.


Do not forget to check out the our  recent news blog on Goal Setting on how we can help you achieve your goals whether it be in the Sports or Education Performance World or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.




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