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The Importance Of Learning Healthy Communication.

Everyday I work with a diverse group of clients with many different clinical needs. However, I am always on the look out for common themes that are impacting their mental health. More and more I am seeing communication challenges as a significant issue. It is interesting, yet not surprising, that as more technology become available to connect us as a society, the less connected and lonely we are becoming as individuals. This is a trend that needs to be addressed. This blog will look more at the why it is important to have healthy communication in non technology ways, not so much as how to do it. Perhaps future blogs will address that topic. in the mean time let's find out why it is important in no particular order.

  1. I have noticed a growing trend of more and more clients struggling to identify emotions and use emotional language when talking with those in their lives. If you do not use emotional language how can others actually know how you feel, what needs you need met, and how to solve a problem in the moment.

  2. Healthy communication helps one know how to you advocate for himself / herself and ask for the help. We all need help, but if you do not know how to ask for it you can never get it.

  3. Unhealthy communication, or yelling, name calling, or putting others down obviously never solves a problem, However, on the world of keyboard warriors we are seeing more of that, In fact, it is starting to spread off of the internet and more face to face. It is impossible to persuade others to your point, or at least get them to listen to your ideas which may actually be good.

  4. Healthy communication also really is a sign of respect of yourself and the other person.

  5. Healthy communication builds confidence and self-esteem cause being successful in communicating your needs is something you should given yourself credit for.

  6. Healthy communication can alleviate anxiety. If you are an athlete it is important to learn to ask questions and feel comfortable with it whenever you are talking to coaches, trainers, or doctors. Anxiety less when you are informed. The same is true with students and schools, If you do not know how to talk to a teacher, how do you get the help you need in order to understand your work.

  7. For professionals, it is important to know how to communicate in a healthy manner as it makes those around you more productive and motivated to do their work. It also helps you clarify what is expected in you or what you expect. In other words, the company will be more productive, and many make more money. Can't argue with that.

  8. Not surprisingly, the healthier your communication is with others, the heathier your relationships are. There is less tension and conflict, and in turn less stress and anxiety. In other words, positive connections strengthens resilience and mental health.

  9. Healthy communication keeps a family tight and together. The bonds do not drift apart, the intimacy between the family members (or member of a couple) leads to deeper more meaningful relationships. This is one of the main protective factors to one's mental health.

  10. Healthy communication just just be fun, sharing ideas, dialogues, opinions in ways that are productive can be entertaining and educational. We should all want to learn something everyday and have FUN doing it.

    While this is just a few thoughts on the Importance Of Learning Healthy Communication I am sure there are many more. Feel free to put together your own list and communicate it to others.


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