One Step At A Time
One of the most exciting days for a psychologist is when a client has that ''Aha'' moment. It is that time when the client has the...

It Is Time To Expand Support
Let me preface the start of this blog that it is not meant to be political so do not interpret it in that manner. Instead, it is more of...

Momentum And Performance
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Momentum as "strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events." In this blog we will look...

Managing The Unexpected
If there is one thing that happens in life it is unexpected challenges. Without going into detail it was another lesson even i've learned...

Be In The Moment And Be With Others
This may end up being a shorter blog than usual because I am home right now with my kids and plan on going to do what this blog advises...

Sitting With Emotions Is Okay
Having emotions is normal. We all experience happiness, sadness, anger, and anxiety. It is simply being human. Yes we often discuss about...

The Learning Mindset
In my office I have a poster hanging up that says "What you learn today can change the future" and has may learning phrases such as be...

The Performance Triangle
Recently I was working on outlining some content for TrainerMD as they continue to grow as a company and offer new mental health content...
Gratitude And The Impact On Mental Health
The holiday time of year can be very an emotional time of year for many people. However, with the time that it is spent with friends and...
The Importance Of Finding A Mission
Recently I was talking with the CEO of TrainerMd about the work and value I can add to his business from a behavioral health standpoint....